Make it For You

Here are a few ways to make roasted barley to get started. But really, there are many more ways, from espresso and moka pot, to experience Ankafé.

  • Pour water then grounds into airtight container or jar and store in fridge.

    Flavor Profile: Robust and Smooth
    Grind Type:
    Brew Time: 18-24 Hours in Fridge
    Proportion: 2-3 Tbsp per Cup

  • For best results, use drip machines with medium and dark roasts.

    Flavor Profile: Mild and Rounded
    Grind Type: Fine to Medium
    Brew Time: Automatic

  • Brew time will vary on quantity of grounds and desired strength.

    Flavor Profile: Strong and Full Bodied
    Grind Type: Course
    Brew Time: 4-6 min

  • For best results, only pour over with dark roasts.

    Flavor Profile: Clean and Complex
    Grind Type: Medium-Course
    Brew Time: 2-3 min

  • Heat the water to near boiling before adding grounds. Time will vary on quantity and desired strength. Strain with a mesh filter after brewing.

    Flavor Profile: Bold and Gritty
    Grind Type: Course
    Brew Time: 4-6 min

Getting the Taste Right

There’s a bit of precision involved with getting the perfect cup. Here are a few things to consider.

Water / Ground Ratio

We use about 1-2 ground tablespoons per cup of water (8 oz) for any hot brew. For cold brews, we use about 2-3 ground tablespoons per cup of water. Both the ratio and brew time will impact the taste.  As a recommendation, start with 1-1.25 tablespoon per cup and increase the ratio, depending on how strong you like it.


A brewing water temperature between 195 to 205 degrees or about 30 seconds after boiling helps for optimal extraction. Colder water can result in flat, under-extracted coffee, while water that is too hot will also cause a loss of quality in the taste of the coffee.

Roast Date

Roasted barley is impacted by degassing (releasing large amounts of Co2 and other volatiles). Once a sealed bag is opened, keep it in an airtight container. Exposure to light and oxygen contributes to a loss of flavor and aroma.